77 100 MEAUX

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Goodlad :: We Secure Your Future Goodlad :: We Secure Your Future


Our teams are multi – talented ones. Their composition differs with the Mission Objective which is defined jointly and accurately with the client.
This is a very modular and flexible organisation that enables us to answer precisely and in the most adapted manner to the client needs.
We are refraining from offering a pre-formated standard solution while always taking into account the clients financial and operational constraints.

Generally, our teams include:

Security Experts :

Managers, Officers & Consultants from widely recognized security organisations & units from France and other leading countries in the field of security and especially Homeland Security (Police, Army, Special Forces, Intelligence).

Engineers & Technicians :

Widely recognized and experimented professionals from the fields of Civil Engineering, Building & Construction or from specific Industrial fields (Chemicals, petrochemicals, electricity, nuclear, metallurgy).

They have an important value added in identifying & analysing potential security leakages or vulnerabilities.
And they are even more valuable in taking part, together with the security experts in the design of adapted solutions that will take into account security constraints together with operational contingencies.

Additional Expertises :

A number of high – end experts (Professors, Doctors, Well-known specialists, recognized nationally and internationally for their skills and competences are consulted on very complex security issues (mainly on legal and technological aspects).