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Goodlad :: We Secure Your Future Goodlad :: We Secure Your Future

Goodlad H.O.T. Factors :

Goodlad large experience in security assignments all over the World has helped us develop and define an original methodology in assessing Vulnerability and then in deciding of the most appropriate recommendation :

Human Factor
Selection, Training and Certification of candidates por security agents positions with a commercial operator.

Organisation Factor
Modes of operations, Organisational Flowcharts, Functional Flows.

Technology Factor
Performance assessment, Validation with existing norms and preparing the acquisition process.

One of the most common failure for organisations facing security issues is to focus only on the technology factor, whereas by addressing each of the three factors specifically, the Operator will be able to reach a cost effective, efficient and integrated solution.

Our « H.O.T. factors » allows for a real optimisation of security policies.